Find the absolutely best and most active REALTOR for your homes marketing area for FREE and also receive a WEEKS VACATION at one of 20 Vistana Resorts*
(even without using our appraisal services)

Selling your house is a pain! But I can help greatly reduce the pain: get you the most money; in the least amount of time; with the least amount of inconvienance. Don’t misunderstand, I am not trying to list your house. I want to help you avoid the pitfalls of selling your house. I do not sell houses any more but I did for over 15 years, I know all the tricks and how the market works. Pretty much, real estate is all I know since I was 19 years old when I received my real estate license.

I can help you get the most money, in the least amount of time with the least amount of inconvienance.

Look, it’s not right but it is not uncommon for a real estate agent to inflate the value estimate of your home to intice you to list with them. The idea is that over time with no buyer activity, they will get you to lower the price to an appropriate level. However, this process KILLS the very important “First Time Exposure”. How and for what price you list your house is very, very important. The right initial listing price will get you the most money, in the least amount of time with the least inconvienance. Knowing who the most active and professional agent is for your homes marketing area is your first and best step.

I am Chas W Leeper, SRA and I am the Chief Appraiser here at leeperAppraisal. We would love to provide you a Certified Appraisal to help get you ready to sell. However, talking to the best and most active REALTOR in your homes marketing area might be all you need. Either way, I am happy to research the market and analyse who is that most active Agent in your homes marketing area. If you use my referred real estate agent, you will be entitled to 7 nights (1 bedroom villa) at one of the fantastic Vistana Resorts of your choice.

Use the help for home sellers button to get us started with our research, add a note if you would like a certified appraisal or order appraisal. You should expect our recommendation via email within 48 hours.

The best and most active REALTOR in your neighborhood will know the current market value of your home and also current market conditions. To be sure, we suggest you get a certified appraisal but the best and most active agent will know the behavior of CURRENT buyers. This is criticle in obtaining the highest price possible. *Make reservation for your 7 night 1 bedroom villa after the close of escrow when my referred real estate agent has handled the transaction.

Southern California