This Dana Point neighborhood was close to all services including Dana Point Harbor and local beaches. Lot areas for small income properties were from 2,000 to 13,265 SF, average was apx. 5,750 SF. Days on the market for Dana Point small income properties was from 1 to 504 and the average was 48 days. Sale/List price ratio was 97.55%. The appraiser used 5 comps, the lowest sales price was: $850,000 | highest: $1,000,000 | mean: $913,500 and the median was: $887,500 . After adjusting all 5 comps, the mean became: $976,380 | median became $986,450. All comps were duplex units like the subject property. The average rent per SF in this Dana Point neighborhood was: $2.08 ; average per room was $478.13 . The median rent per SF was: $2.12 : median per room $2.12. Of the included sales, the lowest Gross Rent Multiplier was: 232 ; the high was 298 ; the mean was 268 and the median was 272. I also surveyed rents of properties in the neighborhood that were not used as my comparable sales. Of the 22 rental properties surveyed, the lowest rent per square footage was: $1.15 ; the highest was $2.60 ; the mean rent per square footage was $1.81 and the median rent per square footage was $1.78. Of the 28 sales surveyed within the subject’s marketing area, the lowest GRM was: 189 ; the highest was 2861 ; the mean was 345 and the median was 238. Of the 27 sales surveyed within the subject’s marketing area, the lowest GRM was: 189 ; the highest was 583 ; the mean was 252 and the median was 238.

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